John 4:24

The Seminary is first of all a community of worship. “God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24.) The Christian life is life in the Holy Spirit. NBTS considers Christian life and living in the power of the Holy Spirit to be of foundational and critical importance. The Holy Spirit is ceaselessly active in Christian conversion, growth, service and maturity. More on vibrant spirituality


Jer. 3:15

The Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso takes pride in offering excellent theological education since 1898. As an academic institution, the Seminary promotes and offers Christian education (learning that is God-centered, based on biblical revelation and applied to life and ministry). Of a truth, the quality of NBTS instructional process is good, thorough, deep and comprehensive. More on sound academics


2 Tim. 4:5

Competency in gospel ministry is ability and skill to perform gospel tasks with satisfaction and positive results. The first two core values (vibrant spirituality and sound academics) are the most basic pre-requisites to develop and demonstrate faithfulness, commitment and effectiveness in ministry. Competency in ministry requires a godly lifestyle with correct head knowledge and skillful hands. More on competent ministry