J.C. Pool Library

Welcome to James Christopher Pool Library of the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary. The Library has over 44, 074 volumes of textbooks and 290 Journal titles of which approximately seventy percent go to Religion and Theology. It has a museum containing Nigerian art and artifacts. Library staff put in much effort to ensure easy and direct access to Information resources is timely.

There is Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) to locate books in the library. Library books are shelved in open and closed stacks. Books circulate between a week to four weeks period with the library users, except for reference materials. To encourage maximum use of library facilities, policies, and procedures on the use of library resources, library orientation is offered each year to matriculating students. The library has links with other academic/theological libraries through Ebscohost, JSTOR, Global Digital Theological Library, and Globethics Library.

The library is presently headed by a professional Librarian in the person of Adebola Aderemi Olatoye (BLIS, MLIS, Ph.D. in view).

The library is meant for students, faculty members of the seminary, and workers of the Nigerian Baptist Convention. Library users are expected to make use of the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) System to locate materials needed, and the library users can find their way to the e-library section to acquire information on electronic resources in the library and elsewhere with the use of electronic resources.

    NBTS Library

    Opening Hours

    J.C. Pool library opening hours are as follows;

    Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 08:30 am – 9:45pm

    Tuesday and Friday: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, and Re-open after Sport by 7:00 pm – 9:45 pm

    Saturday: 9:00 am – 9:45 pm

    Library users are expected to leave the library once the staff order to do so. Opening of the library during the holiday and school breaks will be posted on the library notice board.

      Electronic Database

      globethics e-library

      J.C. Pool Library Resource

      Library Journal Title

      JC Pool Library Student Project

      JC Pool Library Student Project Sample

      For further enquiries

      Contact the J.C Pool Library through the email: library@nbts.edu.ng