
Training and equipping the body of Christ for holistic formation, transformation and integrated ministry, informed by evangelical heritage and Baptist principles to meet genuine contemporary human aspirations and societal needs. The hallmarks of evangelical heritage are authority of the Bible, personal spiritual conversion, emphasis of the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as commitment to evangelism and mission. The fundamental pillars of the Baptist faith, life and work are:

1. The Lordship of Jesus Christ in every area of life-natural, physical and spiritual.

2. The final authority of the Bible as the sufficient guide for faith, doctrine and practice.

3. Congregational polity, both local (church autonomy) and connectional / regenerate church membership.

4. Salvation by grace through faith.

5. Believer’s baptism by immersion.

6. Competency of the soul in religion under God.

7. The priesthood of all Christian believers.

8. Full religious liberty for all citizens.

9. Independence of church and state.