Officiating Ministers at the Day 3 of revival

The grand finale of the revival service on November 7, 2024 was opened via a call to worship led by Rev. Dr. Olaide Ajeigbe from Acts 13:36 “David served God’s purpose in his own generation”. This served a starter to the guest minster’s ministration as the guest minister – Rev. Dr. Diran Adeleke charged the contemporary minister on the necessity of yielding oneself consistently to the dealings of God both in ministry and outside ministry. Rev. Dr Adeleke did a recap of the three types of the will of God taught on Wednesday, November 6.

  1. God’s Will of Decree or God’s Sovereign Will: This is the type of God’s will that man has no power over it, God does whatever He likes and man cannot query Him.
  2. God’s Will of Desire or God’s Moral Will: This is the type of God’s will that is clearly written in the Bible.
  3. God’s Will of Direction: This is the type of God’s will that deals with specific areas of our lives individually.

Having expounded the first two on Day Two of the revival, the emphasis was on the third – God’s will of direction. He explained that God’s will of direction is based on God’s will of desire. Once one gets the desire of God right, they will have direction. Referencing the author of The Shepherd’s Staff; Dr Adeleke stated that it takes twenty years for God to produce one correct reliable dependable minister before God can say the person will not give Him trouble.

Dr Adeleke spoke on the three human problems of God’s will of direction as the guiding outline for the day’s message:

  • Discovering God’s will: How will I discover God’s direction (will) for my life?
  • Agreeing with God’s will: How will I agree with this will of God for my life? and
  • Obeying the will of God for my life.

In response to these,

  1. We must trust God for direction (1Samuel 13:8-13, Psalm 32:8, Proverbs 3:5-6). Dr Adeleke emphasized the significance of earnestly seeking God’s will (through prayer, fasting and concrete study of the Word of God) and learning to be patient with God.
  2. We must embrace complete surrender to God: in doing this, we need to learn from the Indians in the wild as they break the will of a horse and it follows them home meekly. Christians must follow God as broken people.
  3. Obey what is already made known as seen in the moral will of God. Like the woman who is taken captive of war (Deuteronomy 21:10); we must let go of our old ways of life. Our hair must be shaved, our nails trimmed, our clothes changed figuratively speaking. We must learn the ways of the new ‘house’; learn new will of the new place and not refer to our past or old ways of life.

Cultivating the mind of Christ which enables us to know the will of God in every situation, Dr Adeleke said, is built on our consistent adherence to God’s dealings, through obeying the Holy Spirit. “If you have not been coming with God from somewhere, you may not be going anywhere”, he cautioned. He also made clear that ‘the will of God is not difficult – we are the difficulty.’

Prayer points the congregation was led to pray were:

  1. Have mercy on me o Lord in all the areas I have been struggling (with Your will in my life).
  2. Lord, work upon me, break me and mould me to that which is your will for my life in Jesus’ Bring me to the place where I am not proud.
  3. Father in the name of Jesus, let my will be lost in Your will.

After singing Baptist Hymnal 349 (1956 edition) ‘I am Thine O Lord’; the revival service was brought to an end by Rev. Dr. Ademola Oyeniyi (Deputy President Administration), who was presiding for the day, as he spoke words of appreciation, and led in the closing prayer & benediction by 6:30pm.


Caleb Oluwafunmibi Fehintola

PGD for NBTS Advancement Centre.

December 9, 2024

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