The 2024 Revival Service at the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary (NBTS), Ogbomoso, with the theme “Thy Will Be Done,” based on Matthew 6:9-10 kicked off on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024 and ran through Thursday, November 7th, 2024. The event brought together students, faculty, and staff for a time of spiritual renewal. Rev. Dr. Diran Adeleke, Pastor of Oritamefa Baptist Church in Ibadan, ministered as the revival preacher. In the English section while Rev. Dr Kayode Akinkunmi preached in the Yoruba section. Day One began with opening remarks by the Seminary President, Rev. Prof. S. Ola Ayankeye, who highlighted that this year’s theme was a continuation of the Spiritual Renewal programme held earlier in the year themed “Thy Kingdom Come”.
Rev. Dr. Adeleke began by sharing his personal journey, narrating how God’s guidance has helped him make crucial decisions throughout his life, now leading him to share this message with the congregation. He emphasised that decisions are critical in the Christian walk, and that to make the right choices, we must first know God’s will. His teaching explored the various “wills” that influence our lives. In addition to God’s will, believers have to choose between self-will, society’s will, and Satan’s will. A key question addressed during the session was: Does God want us to know His will? Using Scripture, Rev. Dr. Adeleke affirmed that God desires for us to understand His will. He broke the concept of God’s will down into three distinct aspects:
- God’s Will of Decree (Sovereign Will) – God’s unchangeable, overarching plan for creation (Ephesians 1:11).
- God’s Will of Desire (Moral Will) – God’s general instructions for two righteous living (Romans 12:1-2) and
- God’s Will of Direction (Providential Will) – The specific, individual path God has for each believer.
The session on the first day (Tuesday) concluded with a challenge for all to commit to choosing God’s will above all else, echoing Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane: “Thy will be done.” Congregants were encouraged to surrender their desires to God’s will and to trust that it leads to true fulfillment. As Day One concluded, attendees were invited to continue reflecting on the theme of God’s will, with anticipation for Day Two, when Rev. Dr. Adeleke would further expatiate on the theme.