ICYM Transition in Leadership

Glory to God for transition in the International Centre for Youth Ministry (ICYM).

The International Centre for Youth Ministry (ICYM) formally started in July 2022. Rev. Dr. Samuel A.K. Olaleye, one of the pioneer Master of Arts in Youth Ministry (MAYM) students, who just rotated off as the Director of Youth and Students of the Nigerian Baptist Convention, is the pioneer Director of the Centre. Rev. Aderemi Adeloye, who also was in the pioneer class is the Administrative Officer. Mr Olatunbosun Olayode is the Centre’s driver.


To be a World-Class Youth Ministry Resource Centre Specialising in Training Youth Ministers, Workers and Leaders, who will win young people for Christ, and multiply Committed Disciples.


To provide High-Quality Supportive Culturally Relevant Services to Theological and other Learning Institutions, through Biblical Resources and Strategies for God-Called Youth Ministers, Workers and Leaders in order to make the Gospel available to all Young People and Disciple them for Kingdom Growth.

The Pioneer Director Rev Dr. SAK Olaleye (the immediate past Director of Youth and Students ministries of the Nigerian Baptist Convention) completed his two years tenure and Rev Dr. Joshua IbukunOluwa (until his assumption was national youth coordinator of the Nigerian Baptist Convention) assumed duty as a new Director. The service took place on Monday, July 1, 2024 10:00am at the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary Chapel, Ogbomoso. The immediate past President of the Seminary Rev Prof. Emiola Nihinlola brought the word of God with the title ‘About Christian Labour and Reward’. He emphasized from the book of Hebrews 6:10, 11:6 and 1Corinthians 15:58 that God is a rewarder, Christian work is labour and the labour is not in vain and God is going to reward every labour.

The following people were in attendance as guest minister and dignitaries: Rev Prof Stephen O. Ayankeye (NBTS President) Rev Prof. Emiola Nihinlola (Immediate past president of NBTS) Rev Dr. S. Olawuyi James (Director Youth and Students ministries of the Nigerian Baptist Convention) Rev Dr Dele Oluwole (registrar NBTS) Rev Prof. Simon Ishola Rev Dr. Thomas Niyi-Ojo (President Ogbomoso Baptist Conference) Rev Dr, Ruth Oyeniyi (Dean Faculty of Education NBTS) Rev Prof. Olusayo Oladejo (Deputy President Academics NBTS) Rev Dr. and Mrs. SAK Olaleye (Outgoing Director ICYM) Rev Dr. and Dr. Mrs Joshua IbukunOluwa Director ICYM. The Centre is progressing by the grace of God.

July 5, 2024

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