Conference Market

Sales have always been a big part of the Minister’s Conference activities year after year. Despite the prevailing circumstances in the country, this year was not an exception. Several salespeople were already around before the programme began on Monday, September 11, 2023. Several of them expressed anticipation and hope for good sales despite the economic situation. Some of them have become repeat attendees at the conference. A clothes seller said he had already been in touch with his customers from last year, informing them of his presence this year. Another bookseller already had several sales booked even before coming to the Conference.

The markets were located at various places in the NBTS compound; from directly opposite the Multipurpose Hall, the classrooms at the New Academic Complex, to the allocated spaces at the car park. The sales activities even spilled beyond the four walls of the institution, extending to the surroundings of the NBTS compound. There were a wide range of items available. Items for sale included educational materials, clothing and textile and food items.

Bibles, books (including Nigerian Baptist Convention and Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary publications), Christian board games, church materials, tambourines and bells were some of the items provided for sale. Clothing items made up a significant part of the items for sale. There were suits, shirts, dresses, native materials, children’s wears, pastors’ wives’ uniforms; there was something for everyone. The food aspect of the market was another constant, and people were on hand to enjoy the delicacies available.

The NBTS compound became a hot destination as, beyond the conference attendees, people from the town visited the market. There was hardly a moment when the sales points were not abuzz with activity, even till late at night. A few marketers complained about the space allocated to them, alluding that it kept them from being easily accessed by potential customers. Even days after the conference ended, the surroundings of the compound still had salespeople seeking to maximize the opportunity of the conference. Indeed, their presence added to the beauty and lively spirit of the 2023 Ministers Conference.

Gamaliel AKINSOLA- reporting for NBTS Advancement

September 21, 2023

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